Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief / Rédactrice en chef

Pauline Sameshima, Lakehead University, Canada

Managing Editor / Directrice de la publication

Holly Tsun Haggarty, Lakehead University, Canada

Associate Editors / Rédacteurs(trices) associé(e)s

Book Review Editor / Responsable des recensions

Olga Fellus, Ottawa University

Francophone Editor / Rédacteur(trice) francophone

Sara Schroeter, University of Regina

Assistant Editors / Rédacteurs(trices) adjoint(e)s

Jo Anni Joncas, University of Sherbrooke
Carol Lee, University of Ottawa

Editorial Team Members / Membres de l’équipe d'éditeurs

Tanjin Ashraf, Australian catholic University
Stephanie Bartlett, University of Calgary
Chantelle Caissie, Memorial University
Aide Chen, Western University
Erica Cheng, University of Toronto
Chenkai Chi, University of Windsor
Erin Crawford, Lakehead University
Raphaël Gani, Université Laval
Sarah Green, University of Calgary
Colin Kutchyera, Lakehead University
Michael Metz, Brock University 
Alexander Olsvik, University of Alberta
Latika Raisinghani, University of Winnipeg
Nicholas Rickards, Brock University
Anne Rovers, University of Windsor
Hosna Tayebianvar, University of Regina
Xuechen Yuan, Lakehead University

Communications Team / Équipe des communications

Blake White, Lakehead University
Melissa Daoust, University of Ottawa

Editorial Advisory Board / Conseil consultatif

JCACS' editorial advisory board is represented by the annually elected executive of the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies. The executive consists of noted curriculum scholars, representative of the range of scholarship reflected in the association’s membership-at-large. In addition to curriculum theorists, the executive includes members whose research contributes to the fields of language and literacy, critical pedagogy, teacher education, arts education, francophone education, and education in the disciplines of science, social studies and mathematics.

Past Editorial Team Leaders / Anciens chefs d'équipe éditoriale

2003: Dennis Sumara, Rebecca Luce-Kapler
2003-2007: Dennis Sumara, Rena Upitis
2008-2013: Karen A. Krasny, Chloë Brushwood Rose
2013-2015: Theodore Christou, Christopher DeLuca
2015-present: Pauline Sameshima, Holly Tsun Haggarty