We Are Travellers: The Body as a Compass


  • Carolina Bergonzoni Simon Fraser University




walking-as-dancing, wandering, body as compass, body data, lived curriculum


This article introduces the practice of walking-as-dancing. In this article, the terms walk and walking are often considered as synonymous with wandering since the practice of walking-as-dancing that I will describe does not have a set goal. When walking-as-dancing, I explore the improvisational nature of a wandering movement that allows me to let go of certainty and attune to the not-yet-known. I define the body as a compass that guides us through the path of the curriculum-as-lived (Aoki, 1993) and the curriculum itself. Through the analysis of the practice of walking-as-dancing, I will show how the knowledge of the body is already in us; it is us.


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How to Cite

Bergonzoni, C. (2021). We Are Travellers: The Body as a Compass. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 18(2), 192–198. https://doi.org/10.25071/1916-4467.40590